
Chest pain is not usually evidence of myocardial infarction. However, if you feel chest pains should go to the doctor in order to determine what the cause of this problem. The kind that we're talking about in this article is the pain caused by a blockage or spasm of the coronary arteries, or what is known as angina and once to be sure that the chest pain that come to you some times not of heart disease you can use this household ingredients to treat the pain. Chest pain can be due to the acidity or colds or stomach infections or stress or anxiety or cough or smoking, and there are plenty of other reasons.

1. garlic to treat chest pain: Garlic is a high-known that indisputable health in general and the heart in particular therapeutic ingredients. Garlic contains a lot of vitamins and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, thiamine, vitamin C and niacin, riboflavin also contains iodine, sulfur and chlorine all these ingredients help in the prevention of heart disease, asthma, coughs and phlegm and others. Can one lobe of garlic to reduce cholesterol in the blood and strengthens the walls of the arteries which reduces the cause of chest pain

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